
Sleepless Cat Owners

Adopting a new kitten can be an exciting event for the whole family. But there is something that others won’t tell you when you bring little Fluffy home…Kittens/young cats become little night terrors as soon...

Top 5 Weird Things Cats Eat

Over the years, we have seen our fair share of pets eating the weirdest of objects, and unfortunately in some cases needing surgery to remove the object obstructing normal gut movement. Usually when we think...

Urinalysis, why it’s important

Pets cannot tell us when something doesn’t feel right. This is why your Veterinarian may recommend a urinalysis (along with bloodwork, x-rays, etc.) These tests tell your Veterinarian the story of how your pet is...


When we think of spring time we think of flowers, rain, warm weather, and puppies and kitties! Our team loves spring time for just this reason because baby pets start to make their way through...


Most cats in the household like to make up their own agenda; choosing when they would like to be pet, when they would like to be played with, and when they would like to eat....